Thursday, November 17, 2011

final draft

Ulices Zuniga
Mr. Jaeger 
World geography          


         Living in a world with something that is hurting the environment and everything else 
around us. Slums has many problems that cause problems in relation to poverty , jobs, and 
deseases.Slums shouldn’t be hear wear we are because it will just keep on going on and on. 
This slums should be cleaned out or something it will decrease a lot of things and people will 
have better work conditions and some will finally have jobs it all depends if people want to do 
something about it.
       Poverty is one of the main things that is destroying the environment and its causing a lot of 
pollution. With poverty people will loose money all over the world when people loose money 
its goona be very hard for people to get paid more when they work. Poverty could be stop but it 
all depends on people if they want to fix this. Poverty contains a lot of chemicals that will cause 
a lot of pollution. Therefore this will be a bad thing for the people that need jobs and then 
theirs not gonna be anymore for people that need them.
           People will loose jobs because there is not enough work space and of the conditions that 
is has. People will start moving to a different place  because of the conditions and the space 
that there is. People are the only thing that could change this by cleaning up everything. If this 
happens people will get paid more and will have more jobs than what it use to be . in addition 
this will hurt a lot of familys with the chemicals that it contains.
           Familys are gonna be real hurt because of the deasesses that it could contain and from a 
deseace it could lead to death to some people. All the discusting things that it is and it could 
hurt a lot of people. This will be something hard to deal with because no one would want to be 
in this position and all this could be changed people should move from there and all this could 
be a better enviorment and no more people are gonna be hurt and this is good if they change 
all this. Therefore slums are not a good thing to have in this enviorment and this could be 
change if people want to change it.
         In conclusion slums could be change because it will change the tree points that provided 
pollution will be lost. Family wont have anymore problems with any deseaces and this will stop 
if this is changed. Living in a place were its hurting the enviorment and people and animals also. 
All this could be change that’s why people should do something about this. 

rough draft Essay

     Living in a world with something that is hurting the environment and everything else

around us. Slums has many problems that cause problems in relation to poverty , jobs, and

deseases.Slums shouldn’t be hear wear we are because it will just keep on going on and on.

This slums should be cleaned out or something it will decrease a lot of things and people will

have better work conditions and some will finally have jobs it all depends if people want to do

something about it.

       Poverty is one of the main things that is destroying the environment and its causing a lot of

pollution. With poverty people will loose money all over the world when people loose money

its goona be very hard for people to get paid more when they work. Poverty could be stop but it

all depends on people if they want to fix this. Poverty contains a lot of chemicals that will cause

a lot of pollution. Therefore this will be a bad thing for the people that need jobs and then

theirs not gonna be anymore for people that need them.

           People will loose jobs because there is not enough work space and of the conditions that

is has. People will start moving to a different place  because of the conditions and the space

that there is. People are the only thing that could change this by cleaning up everything. If this

happens people will get paid more and will have more jobs than what it use to be . in addition

this will hurt a lot of familys with the chemicals that it contains.

           Familys are gonna be real hurt because of the deasesses that it could contain and from a

deseace it could lead to death to some people. All the discusting things that it is and it could

hurt a lot of people. This will be something hard to deal with because no one would want to be

in this position and all this could be changed people should move from there and all this could

be a better enviorment and no more people are gonna be hurt and this is good if they change

all this. Therefore slums are not a good thing to have in this enviorment and this could be

change if people want to change it.

         In conclusion slums could be change because it will change the tree points that provided

pollution will be lost. Family wont have anymore problems with any deseaces and this will stop

if this is changed. Living in a place were its hurting the enviorment and people and animals also.

All this could be change that’s why people should do something 

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


destroying homes where people live and damaging the enviorment would cause some real big problems. slums are homes that some people have and is damaging families and destroying work for people. giving alot of polution and its hard to resist it. giving families deseases and they could get real injured this has to be change so everything could be better. therefore this is gonna be change by helping the enviorment and giving more opportunitys for people.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


A. living in a place where theres no good conditions and its just a horrible place.

b. slums are homes that some people in the world have they are discusting,unorganized and bad conditions.

c. slums would destroy like a part of persons life. people will get deseaces and they could probaly die.

d. therefore slums could harm people but this could be improve with a little help.

a.slums have a discusting look and smell and its harsh.

b.slums have destroyed alot of houses and killed children.

c.slums would also destroyed peoples lifes and its real horrible. addition this could be better but you have to help.

a.this could make poverty which is a bad thing for the enviorment.

b.poverty has been made only because of slums and this should be stop.

c.slums have very bad conditions that are destroying the enviorment.

d.another reason to cancel its that is decreses work level.

a. the people that live in the slums could loose there jobs by the conditions that it has.

b.cant work because of the conditions that it has this should be fixed.

c.slums have one of the worst working place and this should be fixed.

d. could be a better place if they cancel the slums just got to help.

a. this is a bad place if you are not use to this because of whatever reason. in aplace like this is no good place for childrenn and you r entire family.

c.people cant work well if of the enviorment of the slums is bad.

d.the world would be a better place if they cancel the slums.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

thesis statement.

slums are places where people struggle to live. slums cause deseises for people and people die because of this. its hard for people to live because of the broken houses that their is. slums is also a discusting place for people to live in. this proves that its not a good enviorment.